Spotlight: Meet Amy of Seaside Brew

Posted on Sep 10 2018 - 3:10pm by Cristyle
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Photo: Mason Moody


Amy Schatzmann, Owner


Seaside Brew, West Palm Beach, FL

Seaside Brew is a tricycle serving speciality grade cold brew coffee to the student body and faculty of Palm Beach Atlantic University and the first step in a much bigger plan for Amy Schatzmann, owner and PBA alum. We recently met this young local entrepreneur at a Pumphouse Coffee Roasters event and immediately knew we needed to spotlight her talent, drive and vision.

How did Seaside Brew come about? What inspired you to start a coffee bike?

Seaside Brew is really just the beginning of a much larger dream that I have. Last year I heard that coffee was the second most traded commodity in the world, yet coffee farmers are some of the poorest people in the world. These facts inspired me to enter into the coffee industry with the hope of building more economic stability for coffee farmers. I spent about 6 months going back and forth with what exactly that would look like. At first I thought I could accomplish my long-term goal with a unique coffee shop. Then that idea transformed into a coffee importing business. However, after I visited Costa Rica last summer, I realized that my importing idea still wouldn’t help farmers to the capacity I was dreaming of- so I went back to the drawing board.

I remember the day so vividly last fall- I was sitting in my dorm room before class when this thought hit me- “why is there no good coffee on my school’s campus?” followed by my next thought “I could sell good coffee at my school” and then the final thought hit me- “I’m going to sell good coffee at my school.” I figured I could start this little venture to get my hands in the industry until I discovered what I actually wanted to do. However, as I continued to find my niche in specialty, cold brew I realized that Seaside Brew was the very vehicle (literally) in which I could accomplish my long-term dream. Not only do we get to offer top-notch cold brew, supplied by local roasters Pumphouse Coffee Roasters, to Palm Beach Atlantic University and the city, but we also get to be a part of a bigger initiative to positively impact every hand that touches the coffee beans from the farmers to our customers. It’s the people from every end of the supply chain who really inspired me to start this company.

When did you discover your love for coffee? What is your coffee crush of the moment?

I remember going to church with my family when I was 6 asking my parents for some coffee before the service would start, so I’ve really been drinking coffee as long as I can remember. In college I definitely started consuming way more coffee, and around two years ago I became really interested in the specialty scene.

My current coffee crush is definitely either Counter-Culture or Onyx Coffee. In my opinion, both of them are making big strides in the industry to empower farmers while also providing more traceability from the farm to the cup.

Photo: Mason Moody

With the instant popularity of Seaside Brew, any thoughts on future plans?

Moving forward with Seaside Brew, I’d love to expand to more college campuses in Florida. Not only is it a perfect way for students to get specialty coffee on-the-go, but cold brew has almost twice the amount of caffeine as normal coffee so it’s perfect for college students who need that extra boost. In addition, as Seaside Brew continues to grow, I am hoping to take more steps to bridge the gap between coffee farmers and our customers. Anything we can do to build more sustainability for farmers and give our customers more purpose with each purpose, we will do.

What is one thing you would love for people to know about Seaside Brew?

One thing that I would love for people to know about Seaside Brew is that it’s about so much more than providing a really, really good cup of coffee. While quality is something we value very highly and will continue to make sure we offer customers, for me and my team we value the people who are laboring on the farm to get us our amazing coffee even more. And I think it’s really special that we have the perfect avenue to educate customers on the process their coffee has gone through to get into their hands, and to show them the power and influence of their purchase.

Any advice for local aspiring entrepreneurs?

A note to local aspiring entrepreneurs: Let your passion fuel you, and don’t stop. When you have something that you care deeply about, you can constantly go back to that one thing when you want to quit and remember why you started the whole process in the first place. For me, that was the farmers. When I wanted to give up I’d remember the farmers I wanted to help and that would push me to keep going. So find that one thing and chase it. Starting your own business will likely be one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. When you pair your passions with your abilities and then fuel that with a relentless heart, a heart that won’t stop until that dream is accomplished, I strongly believe that you have the opportunity to achieve something great.

Keep up with Seaside Brew on Instagram at @seaside_ _brew 

Photo: Mason Moody

*Photos courtesy of Seaside Brew

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Cristyle is a South Florida native, born in Miami and raised in Palm Beach. Her love of food came through her travels and seeing how cuisines differ and relate so much. She attended the University of Florida, had a short stint in Charlotte, NC and is now back home - ready to eat her way through Palm Beach County and share her findings with locals and visitors alike. From brunch to happy hour to foodie events, she's got you covered!