Featured Foodie: Holli of The SoFla Sage

Posted on Dec 22 2014 - 8:28am by Cristyle
Categorized as
Hollie SoFla Sage

photo: SoFla Sage


Holli Lapes


The South Florida Sage

What made you decide to start a food blog? What is your focus/theme/area?

I have always been interested in culinary arts. As a child I would cook with my grandmother. In high school, I was enrolled in a not so typical home economics class which took place in an industrial style kitchen. I considered becoming a chef. Another interest of mine is photography and one of my favorite subjects to photograph is food. After receiving lots of positive feedback from my friends about my personal Instagram account in reference to all the food and events I was posting – I decided to make it into a blog! The South Florida Sage is an eclectic food&drink blog featuring food finds from Miami, Broward, Palm Beach and beyond. Although my blog is primary about South Florida, I love to travel – so I decided to start a travel series on my blog.

How did you come up with the name “The SoFla Sage?”

The SoFla Sage is an abbreviation for The South Florida Sage. One day, I was walking around my neighborhood after the gym while listening to music. The word sage was mentioned in a song, in the context of one its definitions – referring to someone who is knowledgeable. I have always liked Sage as a name for someone. I liked the idea of using sage for my blog because it can be used as a play on words/symbolic. The South Florida Sage is in reference to myself as an individual who is knowledgeable about South Florida dining. Also, used to represent sage as a herb, tying in the culinary component. Lastly, sage is green -representing my interest in the health and wellness field.

Who is the person behind the keyboard/smartphone? 

I am originally from New York however I am essentially a Floridian, as I have been living in South Florida for 20 years. My educational background is in the field of Dietetics and Nutrition. Aside from my blog, I am currently working as a full time health advisor and am in the process of earning my credentials as a Registered Dietitian.

What is your food crush of the moment?

There is something about the combination of scrambled eggs (sprinkled with pink Himalayan salt) with a side of sliced avocado that really has me hooked lately.

What are some of the most unusual foods you’ve ever tried?

Oxtail, duck egg, quail egg, duck, whale, rabbit, alligator, venison, veal, octopus, bison, reindeer, eel.



Please share some of your top picks in your area:

Brunch: The OB House (Ft Lauderdale), Blue Collar (Miami)

Lunch: Sugarcane Raw Bar Grill (Miami), Park Tavern (Delray Beach)

Burger: Charm City (Deerfield Beach)

Wrap: Juice and Java (Boca Raton), Choices Vegan Café (Miami)

Bakery: Chez Bon Bon at The Fontainebleau (Miami)

Classic: Houston’s (Pompano Beach)

Foodie Event: Miami Spice, Chefs Up Front

The SoFla Sage

Where can you be found?

Website: thesoflasage.com

Instagram: instagram.com/thesoflasage

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheSoFlaSage

Twitter: twitter.com/SoFla_SageSays

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Cristyle is a South Florida native, born in Miami and raised in Palm Beach. Her love of food came through her travels and seeing how cuisines differ and relate so much. She attended the University of Florida, had a short stint in Charlotte, NC and is now back home - ready to eat her way through Palm Beach County and share her findings with locals and visitors alike. From brunch to happy hour to foodie events, she's got you covered!