Spotlight: Brett of BC Tacos & BC Cafe

Posted on Apr 26 2014 - 11:00am by Cristyle
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BC Tacos Food Truck Team


Brett Chiavari, Owner


BC Tacos Food Truck & BC Cafe, Davie FL

Which came first? BC Cafe or BC Tacos?

BC Tacos came first. We opened the truck in May 2011. And we’ve been taco slingin ever since.

BC Tacos Food Truck

BC Tacos

What is your culinary background?

Not much of a culinary background. I went to UCF and studied Business Management with a minor in Hospitality. I was always more of a front of the house guy. I was an assistant Food & Beverage Manager at a country club, I was a banquet manager at a hotel (all in Orlando).

Food and cooking was always something I was passionate about. My parents are both trained chefs (went to the Culinary Institute in New York) and when I was growing up they owned a catering company in New York and I basically grew up in the kitchen. Was always involved, always liked to cook, so things in the kitchen came very naturally to me.

How do you come up with new menu items?

For me it’s about inspiration. I love to eat, love food, especially tacos. For us, our plate is the tortilla. And we fully believe anything can be made into a taco. Before the restaurant I was pretty limited in my resources, my storage, my staff. So I always compiled a list of different taco ideas and always had things I wanted to try. Now with my two trained chefs on my team, the space in the restaurant, the resources, we can really experiment and try new things. We have a lot of brainstorming sessions and bouncing ideas back and forth, to come up with new dishes. A lot of it is cooking things I like to eat, transforming amazing meals I’ve had in different restaurants into tacos.

Gatherer Taco

Gatherer Taco

What is your food crush of the moment?

Never been asked this question before. I definitely have a lot of crushes these days. A couple that stick out to me are dessert tacos. We started them at the cafe maybe about 6 months ago. We have done everything from Creme Brûlée tacos, Coconut Cream Pie, Chocolate Mousse Cake and more. Something completely different that no one is doing.

Lots of Asian food also. My executive chef at the Cafe has a strong asian background so we have been playing around with a lot of different tacos, burritos, burgers with those flavors. And have also been eating, personally, a lot of asian lately as well. Just can’t get enough at this moment.

What areas do you service? What’s the best way to find you?

We really hit the tri-county area pretty hard. We have one or two stops a month in Miami. Have two or three spots we are at weekly in Broward, along with other monthly or bi weekly locations. And we definitely make our way up to West Palm Beach a lot. We visit Due South Brewery in Boynton, Abacoa, Wellington, Tequesta, among many others.

We always direct people to our facebook (/BCTacos) or twitter page (@BCTaco) as the way to always stay up to date with us.

Any advice for local aspiring chefs / food truckers?

I think you really need to be different. What makes you stand out? What makes you original? You have to be committed, you have to be passionate about what you do. This is hard work. It’s long hours, long weeks and you have to be ready. I have an amazing support system. My family, my girlfriend, my friends, the BC family, everyone is there backing me up and supporting me and they all understand about my job and my schedule which helps so much.

The way I look at my business and my company is that this is what I’m meant to do and there is no going back to my previous job. So no matter what, this is what I’m doing, and if there is something that isn’t working I will find a way to make it work. No doubt about it! Its cliche but failure is not an option. And that is the mindset you need to have.

Check out our review of BC Tacos HERE

BC Tacos Food Truck Front

BC Tacos

Find them at:

BC Cafe

4801 S University Drive, Suite 123, Davie, FL 33328


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Cristyle is a South Florida native, born in Miami and raised in Palm Beach. Her love of food came through her travels and seeing how cuisines differ and relate so much. She attended the University of Florida, had a short stint in Charlotte, NC and is now back home - ready to eat her way through Palm Beach County and share her findings with locals and visitors alike. From brunch to happy hour to foodie events, she's got you covered!